Miniature Schnauzer Dog Breed Information

The miniature Schnauzer is small and vigorous, with a puffy beard. Happy, vigilant and very intelligent.

Height, weight: from 30 to 35 cm high. Weighs from 5 to 7 kg.

Fur, color: its hair should be stiff and thick. There are miniature schnauzers that are black, white, black and gray and salt and pepper, which are the most common.

Appropriate for: all kind of people, but people who are fond of taking long walk or who live in the countryside, must be aware of its size. We must also be aware of the treatment of its hair, it should have the right amount and stay stiff and thick

.Not Appropriate for: almost no one. But you must train it well so that it won’t become into a constant barker; its extreme desire of guarding the house and warning everybody of the slightest suspicion, can be a problem in a small apartment.

As a member of the family: its becomes one with them. With a little of attention and training, the dog will be the center of attention of everyone and you’ll be able to take it with you anywhere you go.

Breed’s character: it’s intrepid and persistent. An excellent companion and watch dog (some times a little exaggerated).

Common sicknesses: cataracts in the old age.

Life expectancy: up to 14 years or more.

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