what not to feed your dog

The basic nutritional needs for fully grown dogs, in general, don’t really differ much from those of puppies. However, what not to feed your dog is as important as what to feed it and since they have stopped their growing process, they require less quantities of proteins and calories. There may be some exceptions, like a pregnant female or one that is raising its litter will need more proteins and calories, and, a dog used for work, during its activity will need to have more calories as well to keep up. As with puppies, there’s an enormous amount of food at your disposition. They range from canned goods such as prepared meats that should be mixed with dog crackers in order to give the carbohydrates and the fiber required. Others already havethe cereals in them so keep that in mind at the time of purchase. Dry meals contain only 9% of humidity and it can be served either straight from the package or mixed with some water or meat juice. When it comes to choosing what kind of meal is more appropriate, take in consideration several factors such as: price (dry meals; croquettes, are cheaper), comfort (easier packs to handle, weight considerations, space distribution, etc) and of course the preferences of the pet. Should you choose to feed your dog with regularlyhome cooked dog meals, keep in mind that the veterinarian can guide you through the process of creating a balanced nutritional diet.

Daily portions: Nowadays, there are few dogs that are integrated in the labor force. Due to the sedentary lifestyle of many of these animals, obesity tends to become a regarding factor in their adult lives. If you see any important change in your pet’s weight, a simple adjustment of the daily portion can allow them to go back to their regular weight. As well, be reminded that dogs should be weighed periodically. Follow the instructions given in every meal package, but don’t forget that the breed, the character and the lifestyle of each animal influence greatly on its nutritional needs. A rather lazy dog needs less calories than a nervous or playful one, and gains weight very easily compared to others. It is much easier to make a dog gain weight than reduce it with a strictly balanced diet when an overweight problem arrives.

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