Controlling Aggressive dog Behavior

GUARD OR PROTECTION DOGS: Many people consider getting a dog for protection or for guarding their property but Controlling Aggressive dog Behavior of Large dogs, such as Doberman Pinchers, Rottweilers, and others are usually used. These dogs don’t even have to be vicious, they just need to look big and bark as a deterrent. In many cases, the dogs will be encouraged to bark, bite, etc. Many burglars are initially deterred by attention. If your dog barks then maybe this all that is needed. There will be no need to get a “vicious” dog. You should never try to take control over a trained protection dog. If you have to in an emergency situation try giving some training commands like “Sit”, “Leave” or “Drop”. These dogs are quite well trained and should respond to commands.

AGGRESSION WITH OTHER DOGS: Dogs can be aggressive with other dogs, especially if they have not been properly socialised with other dogs in puppy-hood. Sometimes a dog that is naturally dominant has trouble with other dogs especially in puberty. A dog which has a specific experience (e.g. a dogfight with another aggressive dog) may cause it to becomeaggressive towards other dogs. Whatever the reason, it is well worth your time working on your dog’s aggression toward other dogs. You will probably get the best results, especially with a problem dog – extreme aggression, for example – if you contact a local trainer (preferably one that specialises with problem dogs) for individual help. Friendly dog behavioural patterns include moving side by side, sniffing behinds and tails wagging at body level (not up high or over the back). Non-friendly behavioural patterns include meeting face-to-face, ears forward and tail held high over the back. If you and another dog owner come across each others path and find your dogs do not get along together very well, then desensitisation methods need to be put in place.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Stand facing each other about 6 feet apart.
  2. Have your dog on lead and sitting on your left hand side.
  3. Make sure you can control your dog before trying this.
  4. Only one person is to walk forward whilst the other dog is sitting quietly.
  5. The person walking forward shall now walk two steps and sit the dog. Making sure that you are now directly in front on the other owner and dog.
  6. If the dog sits quietly for about 10 seconds, you then need to walk away and immediately praise the dog for being good. Do not praise the dog until you have tuned away from the subject.
  7. Return back to the start position and this time move in three steps. If the dog is good once again, do the same.

If the dog at any time attempts to growl give a sharp jerk with the lead, using a choker collar, with a sharp “No” command. If you have other ways of correcting your dog then you can do that instead. If you have corrected the dog for growling you need to walk back to the start position. Then go back to the forward steps that the dog performed well (at the last walk in). Do all this until the dogs can sit close quietly (do not push it too much on your first attempt), this takes time. If you over do it, you may not progress. Always finish on a good behavioural pattern. Never call it quits and go home if the dog has not done well. Once you are satisfied with your dogs performance you may wish to swap places and let the other dog and the owner have a go at walking in. When you sit your dog (on the left-hand side during this procedure), you must make sure that your dog does not move or attempt to growl or bite the oncoming dog. Having the dog sitting quietly is the hardest achievement to do in thisexercise, so keep the exercises short. Upon completion you may both “FREE” (SEE OBEDIENT SECTION) your dogs and play with your dogs. When you place a correction on the dog if it is being aggressive you need to be able to control your dog. If the dog does not respect your authority it will become more aggressive. If this happens, ignore the aggression and walk the aggressive dog away. Start again at a further distance, keep up the training and finish on a good note. If you have no control over your dog go to your local obedience class or find a good animal handler. People who lack the pack status in the family will have trouble controlling their dogs when attempting to correct their dog. I have two Rottweilers, an American Bulldog and a Staffy X Bullterrier, if I was walking my dogs altogether and we are confronted by another dog, I can honestly say I can have full control over my animals. I am not cruel or use harsh methods, my dogs respect me and when I say sit, they listen. If they turn aggressive I have usually acted before this aggression occurs. I know what my dogs will do in different circumstances and this will be a great asset for you to learn. If you ignore bad behaviour and praise good behaviour then you will be on the way to successfully training your dog.

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